0036 Mamasa Island|“總有一天我會買一座島”


關注「島鳴國際 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


“總有一天我會買一座島”,這幾乎是每一個海島游愛好者的夢想和心聲。本期分享的這座瓦努阿圖私人島嶼—— Mamasa Island,就實現了一對夫妻的私人島嶼夢想。

"One day I will buy an island", this is a dream and a voice of almost every island travel lover. Mamasa Island, a private island in Vanuatu, is just a dream come true for one couple.

Mamasa Island位于奧雷島和馬洛島之間的一個安靜的海灣。它距離圣埃斯皮里圖海岸僅 4.1公里,距離盧甘維爾市中心 15公里。該島周圍的三個較大島嶼一定程度上幫助其躲避最洶涌的海上風險。從該島乘船到最近的度假勝地只需 7到8分鐘,到桑托鎮只需 15到20分鐘,到該地區第二大城鎮盧甘維爾市也只需 20分鐘

Mamasa Island is located in a quiet bay between Ouray Island and Marlow Island. It is just 4.1km from the coast of Espiritu Santo and 15km from the centre of Luganville. The three larger islands that surround the island help shelter it from some of the roughest maritime risks. You can take a boat from the island to the nearest resort in seven to eight minutes, the town of Santo in 15 to 20 minutes, and the city of Luganville, the second largest town in the region, in 20 minutes.

Mamasa Island占地 約2.4英畝,有 706米的海濱。這里還有優質的漁場,珊瑚和叢林,風景十分優美。置身于一個熱帶島嶼上,周圍環繞著棕櫚樹和藍綠色的海水,附近還有一個土著村莊,這種感覺深深地吸引了現任島主,他對妻子說“總有一天我會買一座島”。于是,在一次偶然的機會,這對夫婦買下了 Mamasa Island

Mamasa Island covers about 2.4 acres and has 706 meters of waterfront. There are also excellent fishing grounds, coral and jungle, and the scenery is very beautiful. Being on a tropical island surrounded by palm trees and turquoise waters, with an indigenous village nearby, appealed to the owner, who told his wife that "one day I'll buy an island". So, by chance, the couple bought Mamasa Island.


It was originally a desert island but has now been developed into a boutique island resort by the island loving couple. The owner also learned the local language to gain insight into local policies and obtained a business license. All these demonstrate and lay the foundation for the island life and development after the new owner takes over.


The island is well equipped with solar power and batteries to provide electricity, a 35,000-litre filtered rainwater tank to provide fresh water and liquefied petroleum gas cylinders. The Internet reception is said to be good, so working from home is also convenient.

島嶼住宅家具齊全,有 3間臥室和 3間浴室,最多可居住 12人。住宅內的大廚房可以滿足你的多樣化烹飪需求,露臺也是你可以盡情休閑放松的地方。隱私往往是對那些想要投資偏遠房地產的人的主要吸引力。在這里,你完全可以享受到獨屬于你自己的靜謐。

The house on the island is fully furnished with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and can accommodate up to 12 people. The large kitchen can cater to your varied cooking needs, and the terrace is a perfect place to relax. Privacy is often the main attraction for those looking to invest in remote real estate. Here, you can completely enjoy your personal time.

受瓦努阿圖當地文化和政策影響,政府只允許外國人從傳統所有者手中租賃土地一段時間,而不是授予所有權。 在瓦努阿圖,私人海島的租期最長可達75年。過去,有很多買家受低價吸引而購買了沒有所有權憑證的島嶼,損失了大量資金。因此,在購買私人島嶼時,建議在專業人士的協助下多方考證,從而規避風險。

Due to local culture and policies in Vanuatu, the government only allows foreigners to lease land from traditional owners for a limited period of time, rather than grant ownership. In Vanuatu, private islands can be leased for up to 75 years. In the past, many buyers have lost a lot of money by buying islands without title certificates, lured by low prices. Therefore, when buying a private island, it is recommended to do multiple research with the assistance of a professional, so as to avoid risks.

經過這幾年對 Mamasa Island的成功開發與經營,現任業主夫婦準備在一個更大的島嶼上開設新的度假村。因此,目前這座田園詩歌般的南太平洋島嶼正在出售中, 售價在220萬至280萬澳元之間。感興趣的話,歡迎私信咨詢。

After several years of successful development and operation of Mamasa Island, the current owners are ready to open a new resort on a larger island. So now this idyllic South Pacific island is up for sale for between $2.2m and $2.8m. If interested, welcome to contact us for more information.


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



0035 Victor Island|400萬澳幣便可擁有澳大利亞昆州大堡礁的私人島嶼

0034 Crown Pigeon Island|永久產權、開發完善 ——不容錯過的加勒比海島


0032 Rainbow Cay | 春節團圓新選擇——島嶼上的除夕夜

0031 Hog Island | 佛羅里達州最大的待售私人島嶼

0030 Hope Island|99%的人看第一眼就想購買的私人島嶼

0029 Tiger Tail Island | 虎年即將結束,或許你還缺一座虎尾島


Global Domain 「島鳴國際」是私人島嶼生活方式的倡導者,致力于提供全球范圍內真實有效的私人島嶼銷售信息及配套服務。在疫情和地緣政治沖突風險加大的新時代背景下,為高凈值人群對資金安全和人身安全的雙重需求提出創新性的解決方案。


